
This topic is meant to document builtins in Pile

What is a builtin?

A builtin is an operation that is built into Pile's interpreter. Builtins can have various use cases and help the developer to create programs with basic features.


printPrints the last element on the stack to stdout.
printlnPrints the last element on the stack to stdout with a newline character at the end.
eprintPrints the last element on the stack to stderr.
eprintlnPrints the last element on the stack to stderr with a newline character at the end.
inputReads input from stdin until EOF and pushes the input on top of the stack.
inputlnReads only a line from stdin and pushes the input on top of the stack.
tostringConverts the last element on the stack to a string.
tofloatConverts the last element on the stack to a float. If the conversion fails, it pushes a nil value instead.
tointConverts the last element on the stack to a int. If the conversion fails, it pushes a nil value instead.
toboolConverts the last element on the stack to a bool. If the conversion fails, it pushes a nil value instead.
exitHalts the execution of the program and exits with the exit code at the top of the stack.