Logical Operations

Learn how to use logical operations in your programs.


Equals=Pops the last 2 items from the stack and pushes true if they are equal, or false otherwise. Works with both numbers and strings.
Less Than<Pops the last 2 numbers from the stack and pushes true if the first is less than the second, or false otherwise.
Greater Than>Pops the last 2 numbers from the stack and pushes true if the first is greater than the second, or false otherwise.
Greater Than or Equal To>=Pops the last 2 numbers from the stack and pushes true if the first is greater than or equal to the second, or false otherwise.
Less Than or Equal To<=Pops the last 2 numbers from the stack and pushes true if the first is less than or equal to the second, or false otherwise.
Not Equals!=Pops the last 2 items from the stack and pushes true if they are not equal, or false otherwise. Works with both numbers and strings.
Is Nil?Pops the last item on the stack and pushes true if the item in question is nil, otherwise false.


Use logical operations to evaluate conditions in your programs. Here are a few examples:

# Checking equality between numbers
10 10 = # The stack now contains: 1

# Comparing strings
"hello" "world" != # The stack now contains: 1

# Using greater than comparison
# Remember about LIFO, the order is reversed, it is 10 > 15 and not 15 > 10
15 10 > # The stack now contains: 0

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