Stack Manipulation Operations

Learn how to manipulate the stack directly in your programs.


DuplicatedupDuplicates the top item of the stack. Represented as (a -- a a)
DropdropRemoves the top item from the stack. Represented as (a -- )
SwapswapSwaps the top two items on the stack. Represented as (a b -- b a)
OveroverCopies the second item on the stack to the top. Represented as (a b -- a b a)
RotaterotRotates the top three items on the stack, moving the third item to the top. Represented as (a b c -- b c a)


Use stack manipulation operations to manage data flow in your programs. Here are a few examples:

# Duplicating the top item
5 dup # The stack now contains: 5 5

# Dropping the top item
10 20 drop # The stack now contains: 10

# Swapping two items
7 9 swap # The stack now contains: 9 7

# Using over to duplicate the second item
3 6 over # The stack now contains: 3 6 3

# Rotating the top three items
1 2 3 rot # The stack now contains: 2 3 1

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