Mathematical Operations

Learn how to use mathematical operations in your programs.


Add/Concatenate+Pops the last 2 items from the stack and pushes their sum (if numbers) or concatenation (if strings).
Subtract-Pops the last 2 items from the stack and pushes their difference.
Multiply*Pops the last 2 items from the stack and pushes their product.
Divide/Pops the last 2 items from the stack and pushes their quotient.
Modulo%Pops the last 2 items from the stack and pushes their modulo.
Exponent**Pops the last 2 items from the stack and exponentiates the numbers.


Use the mathematical operations to perform simple calculations in your programs. Here are a few examples:

# Adding two numbers
10 10 + # The stack now contains: 20

# Concatenating strings
"Pile " "Programming Language" + println
# Output: Pile Programming Language
# Note: Concatenation works only with strings, not numbers.

# A more complex expression
2 50 10 * / 1 +
# Explanation:
# - Pushes 2, 50, and 10 onto the stack
# - Multiplies 50 and 10 (result: 500)
# - Divides 500 by 2 (result: 250)
# - Adds 1 to the result (final result: 251)

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